Code of ethics
I abide by a strict code of conduct and work according to the following guidelines.
I will:
Always conduct myself to the highest levels of ethics, integrity, accountability and responsibility.
Treat all clients and potential clients with absolute dignity, confidentiality and respect as free and equal individuals.
Maintain the good reputation of the coaching profession by following the guidelines of the ICF.
Comply with the spirit and the letter of any commercial agreements made with clients and potential clients.
Keep appropriate and accurate records of my work with clients and ensure they remain confidential, are stored securely and comply with Data Protection requirements.
Maintain professional boundaries with all clients.
Not charge professional fees without relevant and appropriate professional accreditation and professional insurance.
Represent true levels of title, competence and experience in order not to mislead or misrepresent.
Clearly state to clients and potential clients the terms of any commercial agreement.
Make no claims or implications of outcomes of coaching that cannot be demonstrated or guaranteed.
Obtain permission from any client or potential client before releasing their names as referees.
Have qualifications, skills and experience appropriate to the needs of my client.
Avoid all conflicts of interest and give notice of such potential conflicts.
Endeavour to enhance public understanding and acceptance of professional coaching.
Continually develop professionally in both the theory and practice of coaching.
Respect all copyrights, agreements, intellectual property and trademarks and comply with all laws covering such areas.
Respect the client’s right to terminate the coaching relationship at any point during the process, subject to the provisions of the agreement or contract.
Ensure every client has a copy of this code.