Episode 018 - Do you need a radical change to get the life you want?
Welcome to episode 018 of the podcast! It’s great to see you.
On today’s episode I’m asking if you really need to make a radical change to get the life you want.
On episode 16 I talked about when we’re living with a chronic condition we just want to be recovered and well again. We want the end result. The same can be said of losing weight, learning something new, training for a sporting event. We want the end result and we can struggle with the journey.
But growth is where the journey is. The journey is where you learn resilience for future challenges, find esteem, and find your happiness.
This is one of the pillars that we look at on my SHIFT to Recovery programme.
If you’d like to remove the blocks of what’s keeping you in a potentially fixed mindset, sign up to the masterclass waiting list here
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