A very dear friend of mine gave me a birthday card that said “make today so awesome that yesterday gets jealous”. I loved it so much it features at the top of my vision board.
Some days this is easier than others. Living through lockdown made this easier. If I could remember the day it actually was, that was already likely a win over the day before. The day you go on holiday, get married, give birth, move home, new pet. All big things make the day pretty awesome.
So how do you make more everyday kinda today so awesome that yesterday gets jealous?
For the, it’s about a balanced mindset. What can you be grateful for today? What were you looking forward to? Did you sleep through the night? Have a healthy, nutritious meal you really enjoyed? Had a great chat with a friend? Your fave show was on tv? Found something you’d been looking for?
I recommend that my coaching clients keep a gratitude list, and write down three new things they are grateful for every day. Perhaps you can try this too?
Little wins
What one thing can you do today that will move you one step closer to your goal?
All of my coaching clients have a goal they want to achieve, and over the course of three months we break the goal down into (usually) fortnightly goals, and then action steps to work on before we next chat.
I do the same for myself. For example: marathon training. I know to achieve 26.2 miles in one piece (!). Therefore, I need to run regularly and build my mileage steadily over time. I know that I need to run at least 3 times a week, with strength training and rest days in between. I make my action steps to run on a Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday; strength train on a Wednesday and Friday; rest on Saturday and Monday (recovery day after the long run).
Don’t sweat the small stuff
What one little micro-stressor can you let go of today? What do you do that makes you wish you could say no? Stand up for yourself? Who can you not talk to today?
If you have a goal you want to work towards and would like guidance to get there quicker, get in touch [email protected]